Thursday, February 23, 2012

Benefits Of Drinking Water to Lose Weight

 “Drink 8 glasses of water each day” is a saying we’ve all heard, but what are the benefits of drinking water to lose weight? Water hydrates your body and helps it work efficiently. Water boosts your metabolic rate, which gives you energy and helps to burn calories. It is an essential drink in everyday life and a great tool for those who are dieting.
The benefits of water are numerous, well-hydrated body helps your muscles and organs to work quickly and efficiently. When your body is working well, it will boost your metabolic rate and help you to feel more energetic. Water can help your metabolism burn calories 3% faster. Metabolism plays a big role in losing weight so it’s important to give your body what it needs in order for it to work the way you want.
So many of today’s food products contain high amounts of energy from added sugar and fats, but very little water. If you want to incorporate more water in your diet through food try to look for foods with high water content such as fruits and vegetables. Melons, cucumber, tomatoes, and zucchini are all great produce that have high water contents. While these do not replace the benefits of drinking water directly they help to provide some hydration along with other vital vitamins and minerals that come from fruits and vegetables.
Since feeling thirsty and hungry often go hand-in-hand, if you’re feeling thirsty you might accidentally start eating instead of going for a glass of water. Try to listen to what your body needs and keep a water bottle close at hand. You don’t want to be adding on the extra pounds by eating when you’re not even hungry.
If you’re feeling hungry drink a glass of water 15 minutes before eating, it will help to subside your hunger so you can better manage your portion control. It is also a good idea to have a glass of water with every meal. Try to take a sip of water between every few bites, which help you to feel full faster.
Experts suggest that the average person should consume at least 64 ounces of water a day. That’s eight cups of water. Since it can be hard to remember to drink 64 ounces of water a day try bringing a pre-measure bottle of water with you during your day. Measure out one cup every hour and make it goal to drink the cup within the hour.
If you’re on a diet to lose weight it is more important to drink a lot of water throughout the day. If you want to gain the benefit of increased energy and metabolism a good guide is to drink one ounce of water for every two pounds of body weight. A person who weighs 200 pounds should drink around 100-ounces (12.5 cups) of water in order the gain the weight loss benefits of water.
Water, weight loss, and exercise are a great combination. If exercising is part of a weight loss program more water should be included to account for water loss from sweating. Drinking water before, during and after exercise will keep energy levels high and help muscles recover after training.
The health benefits of drinking water are numerous from increasing your metabolism and boosting your energy levels, to hydrating your body and moisturizing your skin. Water is one of the most vital substances our body needs. It’s a great dietary tool and one that can be easily incorporated into everyday life.

Benefits of Drinking Water Daily

Water is absolutely vital to good health. Next to air, water is the most essential element to our survival. Without it, humans would die in a few days. There are many benefits of drinking water daily because the human brain is made up of 95% water, blood is 82% and lungs 90%. An estimated seventy-five percent of Americans have mild, chronic dehydration. It is scary since water is plenty available. People just don’t realize the benefits of drinking water daily are for the human body. The body cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run without gas and oil. Here are some of the benefits of drinking water daily. For example, all the human cells and functions depend on water for their functioning. Water is the base for saliva, for the fluids surrounding the joints, for the regulation of the body temperature and blood circulation, for the digestion and absorption of food, for the moving of the food through the intestinal tract and the elimination of waste, and the regulation of our metabolism.
Other benefits of drinking water daily also include the prevention of diseases: colon, bladder and breast cancer and other types of ailments and disorders that affect the systems of our bodies. And the good news is virtually free. You can drink over 4,000 glasses of tap water for the price of a six-pack of cola.
For a long time, water has been undervalued and we haven’t been very educated about it. Water is so vital to our health that it is worth pointing out the benefits of drinking water daily. Few people know, for example, that the body can use up to 10-12 cups of water a day for breathing, digestion, elimination and perspiration. If you don’t replenish it daily our body will become dehydrated and this situation can worsen many health conditions. In order to avoid this situation, let’s see how much water is really enough in order to enjoy the benefits of drinking water daily.
Experts have always said that eight glasses (8 ounces) per day is enough but I would say it can be more for athletes and for those living in warmer environments to compensate for the bigger loss of water they had through perspiration as well as the regulation of body temperature. So, I would say that the best rule would be to drink one cup of water for every 20 pounds of body weight. If you exercise or work in hot climates, it can be more. The color of your urine is a good indication. If it comes out pale yellow it’s an indication that you drink enough water.
The benefits of drinking water daily include the improvement of many health conditions. Such as: exhaustion, nutrient absorption, toxins removal, circulation, angina, heartburn, hypertension (blood pressure), immune diseases and many more. Other benefits of drinking water daily are related to the kidneys. Kidneys need water to filter out waste and toxins from the body. A lack of water would allow the kidneys to dump their work to the liver and what happens is that the liver will not perform as well by not metabolizing the fat as it should do. Increasing your water intake is not really a choice on the contrary. Finally, for those having weakened immune systems, water contaminants can have more harmful effects as well as to anyone. To make sure water contaminants stay out, let water filter do it for you. Take action now and press on the banners below to place your order and enjoy the benefits of drinking water daily with purified water. Choose the filter of your choice right below.

What Is The Best Drinking Water Filter?

What is the best drinking water filter? Not all drinking water filters are the same. Some work better than others. Some are a waste of money.
This article will help you choose the best drinking water filter.
First, you should know that high price does not equal best. When it comes to a home drinking water filter, the most expensive are reverse osmosis units and in most homes they are an unnecessary expense. More advanced technology actually costs less.
Why Is a Home Water Filter Necessary
Now let’s look at what is in our drinking water. There are new reports every day, coming from respected publications and scientific experts. So, these are not scare tactics. They do not appear in supermarket tabloids, at least initially. They are the simple truth.
One of these reports indicates that we cannot know what is in our drinking water, unless we have it tested by an independent laboratory. The Washington Post reported that a number of utilities around the country are manipulating tests used to detect lead.
Lead Found in Some Drinking Water
Lead is a toxic metal that causes brain damage and learning disabilities in children. In pregnant women, ingestion of the toxin causes birth defects. In adults with limited exposure over the many years of their lives, it inhibits the body’s ability to absorb important nutrients and plays a role in osteoporosis, heart disease, high blood pressure and other chronic and life threatening diseases. So, the best drinking water filter for your home should remove lead. A few of the better ones do.
What is in Your Tap Water?
USA Today did a special report about what is in our drinking water. The opening line was, “Each day, millions of Americans turn on their taps and get water that exceeds the legal limits for dangerous contaminants.” Of course, if you have the right drinking water filter , you and your family are protected. If you pick the wrong one, there is no telling what you are consuming.
2, 100 TOXIC Chemicals
Never buy a drinking water system unless it is certified to remove chemicals. The Ralph Nader Research group found 2100 toxic chemicals in public supplies. Many of them cause cancer.
The list of what is in our drinking water is a long one. It would be shorter to list those things that are not. You see, everything in the environment ends up in groundwater. Whether your source is a well, a spring or a public reservoir, you need to have your water tested. Then you can choose a drinking water system based on what needs to be removed.
Are Wells and Springs SAFE?
In some cases, wells and springs need to be disinfected. In other cases, mineral-content is too high and causes hard water issues. In any case, learning what is in our drinking water is important, but you need to remember that content can change and vary on a daily basis, so if you do not choose the safest drinking water filter or system you may still be at risk. You certainly cannot test every day. It would be an unreasonable and excessive expense.
Some people blame the government and industry, but we are all ultimately responsible for what is in our drinking water. The latest report is about prescription and over the counter drugs. Our reliance on pharmaceuticals is the cost of this contamination. Industrial dumping is not to blame.

Drinking Water and Weight Loss

What do we know about drinking water and weight loss? Some swear by it and some swear at it. It will make you full for a few minutes, but is that really the best way to conquer your weight gain?
Every serial dieter looking for rapid weight loss has to accept the following hard cold facts. First of all, a “starvation” diet is a recipe for disaster Your metabolism slows to a crawl and not only creates weight loss plateaus; it can cause you to gain massive amounts of body fat as soon as you start to eat anything.
Second fact, many of the “diet” foods you are eating are actually causing you cravings to eat MORE unhealthy calories. And third, some diet pills can be potentially lethal to you, if you are not careful. ANd you already know my feelings of drinking water and weight loss.
If you are in desperate need of losing weight FAST there are much safer, permanent and healthy alternatives available to you. Simply eating the correct nutrients at the proper times creates a fat burning effect which results in accelerated body slimming.
It truly is possible to safely lose up to fifteen pounds in just thirty days by following a healthy nutritional program. Learning the correct methods of weight loss through easy-to-follow dietary programming.
Did you know that your body has a specific hormone that is designed to specifically work to burn fat off of your body? But there is also a specific hormone that is designed specifically to store fat like if you were never to eat again.
So then when you eat the wrong foods at the wrong times, you’ll trigger the hormones that store fat, causing you to gain weight fast! But, if you eat the right foods at the right time and in the right intervals, you’ll begin losing weight, transforming your body within the very first week of starting the program.
What you need to have in your hands is this precise formula, the right mix, and the timing down to a perfection. The most Potent Fat Loss Weapon to begin dropping weight (fat weight) within the first few days. And you’ll continue to drop the weight at a rapid speed, until you decide to turn it off.
Everything you need to know will be laid out in an easy to follow format. You’ll be able to track, see, and feel the results within days – not weeks. You will know exactly how to eat and when to eat it, to guarantee the beginning of the fat burning process.
To let you know how serious we are concerning your fat loss success, This revolutionary system has been designed differently for men and women. This way you can be assured you are getting the perfect diet plan reguardless if you are a man or woman. You won’t find another diet plan designed like this. This will be much more effective than drinking water and weight loss.

Drink Water – Hot or Cold?

The Benefits of Cold Drinking Water
In today’s market, when you are thirsty there are a multitude of companies that want you to use their beverage to quench your thirst. They use a variety of ways to persuade you to buy their products, like celebrity endorsements, flashy packaging, promise of great taste, and, in many cases, a strong dose of caffeine. While many of these drinks may taste good and give you a boost, they are usually over priced and somewhat unhealthy.
Caffeine especially tends to dehydrate your body, which causes you to be energetic for a while, and then feel completely drained. Next time you need something to drink, consider cold drinking water. Water is much better for you than any caffeinated products on the market, and, is usually cheaper.
Cold Drinking Water Is Better For Your Body
While any water you drink is good for you, there are additional benefits associated with cold drinking water. Cold drinking water is not only more refreshing after working out or other physical activity; it is also more easily absorbed into your bloodstream than warm or hot water. Also, because your body is constantly regulating your temperature, your body actually uses extra energy to bring cold drinking water up to 98.6 degrees. This means burning additional calories to heat this cold water in your stomach. Not only does cold drinking water help burn calories, it does not bring any additional calories into your system, unlike many other drinks on the market. Most drinks will load your body down with extra calories and pull the water out of your blood stream, making it more difficult to shed those extra calories.
In fact, for years experts have recommended that everyone drink about eight glasses of water a day to stay completely hydrated and promote good health. Because water is so important to your health, it should not be overlooked, especially in the case of children. Since children are still growing and developing, it is all the more important that they have cold drinking water. Being healthy at this age, as well as learning healthy nutritional habits early on, will help them grow into healthy adults.

Drinking Water And Your Health

Now, takes the woman who drinks water, more and more were more; But will drink truly the human, will be actually few in number. Does not select the time to drink, not to haggle over that the content drinks, does not use one’s head drinks . Can only prove that you are only drink water, actually not necessarily drinks the right water. Becomes for one kind of popular age in this cherishing body, once was considered the simple drinking water, also do not an inadequate profound knowledge. The water more and more is now more precious, looks like barrow county water restrictions. Here introduces drinking water and your health.
1. Early morning cautiously makes up the water
After many women getting out of bed, water the fountains potable water regards as the daily schoolwork, attempts its Run intestines bowel movement, reduces the blood viscosity, lets give people a hard time seems juicy. But how does the morning make up Shui Caigeng the health? Actually, does not have the fixed regulation, the breakfast to make up the water also to be different from person to person.
Becomes emaciated, the skin is white, the physique cold person, is not morning suitable to drink is lower than the body temperature the milk, the fruit juice or cold water, may trade makes tepid the soup, the gruel.
Presses out the fruit juice not to suit the morning empty stomach fresh, even if must coordinate the breakfast in the summer to drink together.
Morning makes up Shui Jiyan, the hot pot thick bouillon, the salty wonton soup does not suit the morning, this will aggravate the morning body’s hunger to be thirsty only.
2. Before meal, makes up Shui Zuiyang the stomach
Before eating meal, must make up the water? That will not be will dilute the gastric juice influence digestion? Before the western-style food has the step which meal, whets the appetite, its truth lies in using the soup vegetable transfers the appetite, lubricates the esophagus, to dine makes the preparation. Then, before meals makes up the water also to have the similar significance, before entering solid food, the small feast half cup (100 milliliters, may be approximately) the first room temperature fruit juice, the yogurt, may also be the tepid crystal sugar chrysanthemum water or the light tea, or is a small bowl thick whets the appetite the soup, is very good raises law of the stomach.
3. Drinks the water which cannot see
Some people seem do not drink water day in day out, that is because absorbs by food in the moisture content already enough dealt with needs. Food also contains water, for instance rice, the water content achieves 60%, but the gruel, was the watery enriches. Opens food to become the chronometer not to be difficult to see, the vegetables fruit’s water content surpasses 70% generally, even if one day eats the 500g fruits and vegetables only, can also obtain 300~400 milliliters moisture contents (to have two bosoms yo). Adds the daily diet to be fastidious does thin matching, therefore obtains 1500~2000 milliliters moisture contents from three meals a day food not to be difficult. Was inferior that makes up the water fully using the three meals a day feed’s opportunity, chooses the fruits and vegetables and not the salty soup gruel, makes up the water effect to be good.
4. Remembers the favorable food with a high water content
The so-called advantage food with a high water content is refers to can increase the bodily moisture content bowel movement food, like the watermelon, the coffee, the tea and so on include the diuresis ingredient, can promote the kidney urine formation; Also has the coarse edible grain, the vegetables fruit and so on to include the meals textile fiber, can in the intestinal tract union massive moisture contents, increase the excrement the weight; The pungent stimulation’s ingredient can promote the body surface blood capillary’s diastole, lets the human sweat profusely, the body surface moisture content outflow.
Makes up is also good favorable, also good, is achieves the body water balance the method.
5. Drinks to heart’s content has nothing to do with the cosmetology
The body will lack the moisture content, the skin seems will not have the gloss dry; The potable water too few also easy to occur then does, even the constipation, the skin is very easy to live the small smallpox smallpox. Although so, solely depends on the supplement moisture content is limited to the skin nature and the skin color influence, but the present very many increase Vitamin’s drink has played the cosmetology sign, for instance one kind includes Vitamin B6 including the young drink inside, its product declares ” Can make skin lubrication delicate ” , but the present includes this kind of ” Cosmetology Vitamin ” The drink also really many. In the legitimate nutriology monograph had not mentioned that as soon as its cosmetology function, is good is taking in many not to have the danger, two may also prevent coronary disease’s occurrence, also calculates beneficially harmless.
6. In water ” Murderous intention “
After the running water which boils includes possibly has the carcinogenicity high chlorine compound, if (overnight) the water quality will have the aging after the long time laying aside.
Now each kind of service water processor also in abundance is taken to the threshing ground, once was fashionable for a time similarly the mineral spring pot, such equipment existence following maintenance’s question, is similar to a drinking fountain, becomes the source possibly which the tap water two times pollutes.
7. Drinks the movement drink the knowledge
Around the strenuous exercise cannot make up the clear water, also cannot make up highly concentrated the fruit juice, but should make up the movement drink. In the movement drink should include the few sugars to divide, the sodium salt, the potassium, the magnesium, the calcium and many kinds of water-soluble Vitamins, supplemented that in the movement the body loses and needs. Drinks the clear water to be able to create the blood to dilute, the perspiration quantity sharp increase, further aggravates the dehydration. In the fruit juice the high sugar density has caused the fruit juice by the stomach evacuation time expand, creates in the movement the stomach to be ill. In the movement drink the special design’s inorganic salt and the sugar density will avoid these untoward effects. The movement drink’s temperature is also fastidious, excessively high does not favor reduces the body temperature to radiate, excessively cool will create the gastro-intestinal tract convulsion, generally should the feeling in the mouth cool, temperature about 10.
8. Vigilant sour odor drink
Each kind of fruit punch uses the citric acid to make the taste medicinal preparation, the citric acid edible many excessively, the massive organic acid enters the human body suddenly, when the amount of radiation surpasses organism para acid handling ability, will cause in vivo PH the value not to be balanced, causes acidemia’s production, will make the human to be tired, sleepy. Specially in midsummer, because the weather is burning hot, the perspiration are many, the human body can lose the massive electrolytes, like potassium, sodium, chlorine and so on alkalinity the ingredients, the massive sour odor drink is easier the body fluid to assume the acidity. Therefore, is not suitable in the summer excessively drinks the increase organic acid the sour odor drink.
9. Sweet drink trap
If thirsty time what first thought is the drink, but quite dangerous. But happy, the snow blue, the fragrance reaches the sugar content is 11%, surpassed the watermelon, the apple, the citrus fruits and so on to be very many a kind of fruit, tin of 350 milliliters might happy contain the energy equated in a slice of bread, corn or the 250g fruit. Each kind of fruit juice sugar content with this quite, even must be higher than it. The pulsation, her/he, the activation and so on seems the water Vitamin drink also includes 3% sugar minute likely, if drinks a big bottle (600 milliliters), the influence is quite considerable to the body weight. Also indeed has heard some people, because the storm drinks the sweet drink to suffer from diabetes’ misfortune.
10. Pale salt water fault
The pale salt water is refers to is equal to the physiological density salt water, in every hundred milliliters including the 1g about salinity, it has several uses in the daily life: First, after big perspiration, supplemented the body loses moisture content and sodium; Second, after the diarrhea, supplemented that loses the moisture content and the salt by the intestinal tract, maintenance electrolyte balanced; Third, the pale salt water rinses mouth can eliminate in oral cavity’s bacterium, reduces the mouth to swallow the inflammation which an inflammation creates.
But, the pale salt water does not suit the heart function not to be good, human who has hypertension drinks, specially in morning, when blood stickiness is highest, drinks the pale salt water to be able to aggravate the mouth to do, the promotion blood pressure elevates.
11. Sees through ” Pattern ” Water
The pure water, has removed each kind of microorganism, the impurity and the beneficial mineral substance after the multiple filtrations, what is prominent drinks the security, it is one kind of soft water, many people thought that its insufficient nutrition, drinks the disadvantageous health for a long time, but this viewpoint had not been confirmed.
The mineral water, is a natural resource, mines by the stratum deep place, includes the rich rare mineral substance, assumes the alkalinity slightly, should be more advantageous to the health, but does not remove the organic matter pollution the possibility.
The mineral substance water, in the pure water according to the artificial mineral water which the human body density proportion increase mineral substance concentrated solution configuration becomes, symbolizes the tap water science and technology new altitude.
12. Will like the movement being probable to make up the water
The movement makes up the water to grasp following principle:
a. cannot be thirsty when only then makes up. When feels is thirsty, loses the moisture content has reached the body weight 2%.
before, during and after the b. movement must make up the water. The movement previous 2 hours make up 250-500 milliliter; Before the movement, instantly makes up 150-250 milliliter; In the movement every 15~20 minutes make up 120-240 milliliter; After the movement, according to the movement in the body weight loss quantity, body weight each drop 1qiang must make up 1 liter.
13. The attendance makes up the water not to be wise
The body is at the steady state time, every day made up water 1000~2000 Bo to rise, to let the urination maintains normally clear abundant may. But if aware or not on own initiative massive potable waters, this had the question. First, explained that your body is at possibly dehydrates the condition, places the high temperature environment, massive perspirations or massive feed salinity possible billion this kind of situation, then makes up the water is necessary; Next, if has the hyperglycemia, the pituitary gland or the kidney function unusual situation; Or is in the feeling prosperous, to have a fever and so on in the infectious diseases; Also or has the uninary system inflammation, even is a hyperuricaemia patient, that may also the driving massive potable waters. But a healthy persons, in did not feel that in the thirsty situation the potable water surpassed 2000 milliliters/days really not to be unnecessary, that just was tests own kidney function repeatedly.
14. The Vitamin C drink drinks uselessly
In the new going on the market drink were very many includes Vitamin C, the Vitamin C profit from does not need saying that to prevent lacks, the daily human body needed to supplement 60~100 long and fine hair g. ” Cool ” The Vitamin C content is 3~30 long and fine hair g/100 milliliters, ” Pulsation ” For 25~50 long and fine hair g/100 milliliters, ” Her ” Is 15 long and fine hair g/100 milliliters, i.e., drinks Vitamin C which this kind of drink bottle obtains to be able to satisfy the daily required quantity. If then, you drink 2 bottle, 3 bottles, even are more? Can have the Vitamin C poison situation? Is good is broad in the Vitamin C margin for safety, but do not think that it is the better and better, excessive takes in can cause the uninary system stone, permeable diarrhea as well as large dose Vitamin C dependence sickness.

Benefits of Drinking Water Have You Forgotten to Drink Right Now?

The benefits of drinking water are so amazing that it's been called the forgotten secret of health.
Most people live in a state of chronic dehydration and may not even realize it.
75% of your body is water and 90% of your brain. I'm sure you've heard that before, but doesn't that tell you something? Keep a glass of water handy, there's nothing that can replace it.
To learn more about how the body works and how much to drink, read about chronic dehydration.

The benefits are yours only if you drink HEALTHY water.
Coffee, tea and coke are not the same thing. So what do you reach for? Train yourself to reach for water; here's to your health.
This one point cannot be emphasized enough - if you wait until you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated and this is affecting your cells.
It's been said that your sense of thirst decreases as you get older: it's probably true but not just because you're older.
This only happens if you tend to ignore your body. Your need for water certainly does not decrease.
If anything, you need more for detoxing.
As simple as it seems, the benefits of drinking water are powerful.
Water is the one key ingredient to health. You must take it the right way for full health and vitality. Your body's processes depend on water. It helps you recover and heal from hurts and illnesses, cleans out the system, and even improves digestion and sexual performance.
So what are the essentials to enjoy the benefits of drinking water?
  1. The first key is the amount of water you need. 10 glasses a day is a start. More exacting is to drink half your body weight in fluid ounces. But of course this depends on your level of activity and the temperature.
  2. The second thing is the frequency. Ideally, you want to be adding water to match your body's use throughout the day. Have a glass handy so you can pace yourself and drink before and during when you're especially active.
  3. To complete the picture, you have to consider the quality of water. All water is not the same. Tap water has so many toxins these days, prescription medications and chlorine. The chlorine alone increases your chances of getting cancer by 93% over your lifetime, according to the EPA.
Many turn to bottled water, but it's not great either. The plasticides from the bottle itself leach into the water over the weeks the bottle sits on the shelf. And in one test, over a third of bottled water was below the low standards of tap water.
This begs the question: what kind of water?
Not all water is created equal.
You want the highest quality water to help you with detoxing, not add toxins to your body.
Drinking water is so important that you must add this to achieve your goal of a healthy body.

  • Water is essential to all the vital functions of your body.
  • Reduces the risk of so many health issues people face, especially cancer: bladder, breast, colon and kidney. And done together with raw foods and cleansing, it's a natural cancer cure.
  • Regular hydration will boost your energy levels
  • It will also boost your immune system and mental sharpnes.
  • You need water to speed up recovery from injuries.
  • Cleansing and detoxing absolutely requires water. Don't spend money on colon cleansers or any other detoxing system and then neglect drinking lots of water. You may be doing more harm than good.
  • Last but certainly not least, drinking water instead of liquids that rob your body will enhance sexual performance.
Benefits of drinking waterYou want to drink only high quality water to get the most benefits from drinking water.
Here is another great resource on the importance of healthy water

You don't need to suffer from chronic dehydration.
The benefits of drinking water are clear.
Properly filtered water is an essential part of detoxing and a vital component of a natural cancer cure and vibrant health.

Top 11 Health Benefits of Drinking Water

You will be amazed of the benefits of drinking water as follow:
  1. Benefits of Drinking WaterLose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories. Here are the further details on how to achieve fat loss by drinking water.
  2. Natural Remedy for Headache: Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration. Although many reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is the common one.
  3. Look Younger with Healthier Skin: You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increases skin elasticity.
  4. Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrated.
  5. Better Exercise: Drinking water regulates your body temperature. That means you’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises. Water also helps to fuel your muscle.
  6. Helps in Digestion and Constipation: Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion. Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement.
  7. Less Cramps and Sprains: Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, so you’ll less likely get cramps and sprains.
  8. Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack. Water adds with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis etc. In another words one of the benefits of drinking water is that it can improve your immune system. Follow this link for further information on how lemon water can improve your health.
  9. Relieves Fatigue: Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If your body lacks water, your heart, for instance, needs to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so will you.
  10. Good Mood: Your body feels very good and that’s why you feel happy.
  11. Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Related to the digestive system, some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining.
Can you see the importance of water to your body after understanding the above benefits of drinking water?

Top 11 Benefits of Drinking Water and How

Top 11 Benefits of Drinking Water- on this page:

  • Functions of Water in The Body
  • Harmful Health Effects and Symptoms of Dehydration
  • Top 11 Benefits of Drinking Water – You’ll Never Look at Water the Same Way
Drinking a healthy amount of water is vital to your health. You can never imagine just by drinking a healthy amount of water, you gain tremendous health benefits, and sometimes you can even throw away your migraine medicine or pain killer.
Before you can appreciate the benefits of water to your health, let’s review the role of water in human body.

Functions of Water in The Body

The human body is anywhere from 55% to 78% water depending on body size. A rule of thumb, 2/3 of body is consists of water, and it is the main component of human body. Did you know that your tissues and organs are mainly made up of water? Here is the %:
  • Muscle consists of 75% water
  • Brain consists of 90% of water
  • Bone consists of 22% of water
  • Blood consists of 83% water
The functions of water in human body are vital. The water:
  • Transports nutrients and oxygen into cells
  • Moisturizes the air in lungs
  • Helps with metabolism
  • Protects our vital organ
  • Helps our organs to absorb nutrients better
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Detoxifies
  • Protects and moisturizes our joints
Every cell in your body needs water from head to toe. That is why it is so important to drink enough fluid. Take for example, brain consists of 90% of water, if you do not supply enough water to your body, your brain cannot function well, and you will get headache or migraine. Hence, next time, if you feel fatigue and headache, it may be the sign of dehydration.

Harmful Effects and Symptoms of Dehydration

The Harmful Effects Result from Dehydration:
  • Tiredness
  • Migraine
  • Constipation
  • Muscle cramps
  • Irregular blood pressure
  • Kidney problems
  • Dry skin
  • 20% dehydrated – Risk of death
Symptoms of Dehydration
Here are some of the symptoms that you need more water:
  • Dark Urine – Dark Yellow or Orange in Color: Urine is generally pale yellow to clear when you have sufficient water intake. Dark color or strong smell indicates that you need to drink more water.
  • Dry Skin: Skin is the largest body organ and requires its share of water.
  • Thirst: Thirst is the most obvious sign that you're already dehydrated. It is always a good practice to drink more water when your are not thirsty, don’t wait until you're thirsty.
  • Hunger: Most people mistake hunger for the indication to eat more, whereas in actual fact, they may be dehydrated. So before you have your meal, grab a glass of water.
  • Fatigue: Water is a source of energy and gives you a boost in energy.
How much water should you drink a day to avoid dehydration? A common approach is drinking 8 glasses of water a day, is it sufficient? Learn about the truth of drinking 8 glasses of water here.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Drinking More Water to Getting Healthy and Fit

Drink water to lose weight:

Water works like a weight loss pill! Are you surprised? Then read on and you shall find why water can be an effective way to lose weight.
Water has several advantages and changing our drinking water to alkaline water can actually mount even more benefits as our body is more used to the pH level of alkaline in nature. This helps our cells function more properly and gives the cells hydrating water that has more oxygen in it. Our body is slightly alkaline in nature and bringing the body back into the pH balance through alkaline water can bring on several health benefits.

The proper way to drink water:

1. Drink water when you wake up. Your body loses water while you sleep, so drink a glass before you go to sleep, and another glass when you wake up. You are naturally thirsty or dehydrated in the morning. Drinking water in the morning helps flush out the toxins that have accumulated all night.
2. Drink 8 to 12 glasses a day. We should monitor our urine colour and keep it on the light side. However, drink only a maximum of 16 glasses a day, and not more.
3. Drink little by little throughout the day. It is preferable to sip water throughout the day rather than to drink two glasses all at once. This will lessen the stress on the heart (especially if you have heart disease) and give your body more time to absorb it.
4. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. By the time you feel thirsty, you’re probably already 2 glasses below your normal water needs. Elderly people are also less sensitive to the body’s need for water.
5. Drink water, not soft drinks, alcohol or coffee. Some experts believe that tea, sodas and coffee can be potentially dehydrating. Drinking alcohol is much worse because it actually dehydrates you by making you urinate a lot.
6. Train children to drink water. Set a good example to your kids and drink water together. Make sure that children drink enough water when they’re active. Pack a large bottled water in their lunch box.
7. Drink more when it’s hot. People living in hot climates like Australia need to drink more water. They are more prone to develop kidney stones compared to those living in cooler regions.
8. Drink more as you exercise. When you exercise, you need to drink more water to compensate for fluid loss. Go for an extra 500 ml of water for a 30-minute to 1-hour exercise. Eating a banana also helps keep your potassium up.
9. Drink more when you’re sick. Even though you don’t feel like it, you really need to drink more water to help your body recover from various infections. If you’re dehydrated, you’ll feel much worse.
10. Drink more if you’re pregnant. Women who are expecting or breast-feeding need additional fluids to stay hydrated. The Institute of Medicine recommends that pregnant women drink 10 cups of fluids daily and women who breast-feed take in about 13 cups of fluids a day.

10 Health benefits of water:

Our bodies are made up of mostly water. Just look at the facts: The brain contains 74% water, blood contains 83% water, lean muscle has 75% and bone has 22% water. Experts agree that water is one of the most powerful forms of treatment. So how come most people don’t drink enough water?
1. Water prevents kidney stones. The most common cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough water. Since water dissolves the substances that form stones in the urine, drinking 12 glasses daily helps treat kidney stones.
2. Water treats urinary tract infection. The more water you drink, the more you will urinate. “Drinking lots of water will help flush out harmful bacteria from your bladder,” says Medical City kidney specialist Dr. Roberto Tanchanco.
3. Water helps patients with diarrhea by preventing dehydration. As a first-aid for diarrhea, you can make your own oral rehydration solution at home. Mix a glass of water with 2 teaspoons sugar and ¼ teaspoon salt, and drink as much as you can tolerate. This is similar to the dextrose solution in the hospital.
4. Water helps reduce fever. For symptoms of flu, water can help lower your body temperature when you urinate the “heat” out of your body. If you’re sick, drink more water for you to recover faster.
5. Water helps treat cough and colds, sore throat, and respiratory infections. Water helps loosen sticky phlegm. A respected lung specialist told me that some mucolytics out there are just as beneficial as drinking lots of water.
6. Water reduces heartburn. Taking 2-3 gulps of water every 20 minutes or so can help flush the stomach acid away. Bananas and water are effective alternatives to taking antacids. Try it.
7. Water prevents constipation and its complications. Too little water can harden the stools and lead to hemorrhoids and diverticulosis, a disease of the large bowel. Drink water and eat lots of vegetables to soften your stools.
8. Water keeps you alert and energetic. If you’re dehydrated, your blood is literally thicker. This makes it harder for the blood to circulate. As a result, the brain can become less active and you can feel confused and fatigued. Some studies also show that water may help cure migraine headaches.
9. Water helps reduce weight. By drinking a glass or two of water before a meal, you will lessen the amount of food you can take in order to feel full. Water has zero calories and will not make you fat.
10. Water keeps your skin soft and radiant. Just as a dehydrated person will have deep-set eyes and wrinkled skin, so will a fully hydrated person exhibit a normal and beautiful skin tone

Detox Water Diet

The detox water diet is another term for a diet/fast that was developed in 1941 by Stanley Burroughs. This diet/fast is known as "The Master Cleanse" and has been gaining popularity in recent years thanks to the attention called to it by Peter Glickman's book, "Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days." Celebrities like Beyonce Knowles have also helped the master cleanse become popular as a weight loss diet even though it is really more of a fast. 

The phrase "detox water diet" brings to mind a diet in which a person's only nourishment comes from water for the duration of the diet. This is not at all how the Master Cleanse works. While it is true that while you are on this diet, you will not be eating solid food, you will be drinking lots of water and a concoction that is a mixture of water, lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. This drink is intended to help keep your body nourished while it also helps to push all of the toxins and bacteria that have built up in your system out. In the most important way, this diet is a colon cleanse as each morning you drink a large amount of salted water and at night you drink a cup of laxative tea. 

The larger idea behind this diet is that not only will you cleanse your system of all of the harmful bacteria and toxins that have built up but you will also give yourself a better sense of well being. This cleanse is also used to clear congestion and there are accounts of people who, while on the diet, will feel the clearing of their system and suddenly have a much easier time breathing-and they hadn't realized that they were congested. Obviously the diet can also be used to lose weight, though that is not its main purpose. 

There are pros and cons to this water detox diet. The positive aspects include breaking people of their food addictions, teaching people to control their cravings and clearing out a person's system to make them healthy again. It creates a sort of blank slate which then becomes the dieter's responsibility to keep clean and healthy. The negative aspects include losing beneficial bacteria as well as the harmful bacteria as well as powerful "detox" symptoms that include headaches, some aches and pains, nausea, tiredness and cravings (especially in the beginning). Over the course of the diet, however, the symptoms subside and people can function quite normally.

This water detox diet lasts anywhere from ten days until you feel like you should go back to eating solid food. You can use your discretion to determine the length of your diet, though it might be a good idea to talk to your doctor. Some people stay on the diet for weeks while some people begin eating again on the tenth day. The key is to make sure that you pay attention to your body and make sure that it isn't suffering.

Cold Water Diet

Did you know that, technically, you can lose weight over time-just by drinking cold water? This doesn't mean that you should eliminate everything else from your diet, it means that by drinking cold water on a regular basis (perhaps instead of other sugary drinks), you will lose weight. This "cold water diet" sounds like a miracle for people who have been struggling with their scales.

The way the cold water diet works is this: in order to process the nutrients contained in the water, your body must heat the water up to match the temperature of your body. In heating the water up, your body uses energy-which requires the burning of calories. Water itself carries no caloric value, so in drinking cold water, you are causing your body to burn more calories than it is taking in: the most basic way to lose weight! You could lose up to five pounds each year just by drinking cold water on a regular basis-and not changing anything else in your routine. Of course, this weight loss will probably seem inexplicably slow but remember, weight loss is better done over time.

Obviously with this cold water diet, the colder your water, the more calories you will burn by drinking it.

Like any weight loss program, this one is not without its risks. The body has to work hard if too much water is in the body's system and most of that work is done by the kidneys. By drinking too much cold water, you could tax your kidneys and eventually do them damage. Drinking too much cold water has also proved problematic for people with serious health conditions like congestive heart disease as it can cause a serious edema.

If you plan on doing the cold water diet, you should take care to take supplemental vitamins that will replace the vitamins and minerals that will get flushed from your system if you drink extra water.

Of course, there are benefits to this diet as well. Scientists agree that drinking extra water is a good way to rid the body of toxins (if the water itself is toxin free). Getting rid of these toxins could prove to be beneficial to a person's health and even give them more energy. Drinking water can also help a person feel full, and act as an appetite suppressant. This could add to the weight loss.

Remember, talk to your doctor before you begin any sort of diet. The best diets involve a combination of change to one's eating habits and a boost to the exercise regimen. This one would probably work the best if you simply replaced your other drinks with cold water and just drank as you got thirsty. It is the extra water that poses the health threat. Again, your doctor will know what is best for you and whether or not you even need to diet. If you don't mind the slow weight loss, however, the cold water diet could be just what you are looking for.

How important is drinking water?

Drinking water is so important for good health. When you were a kid in school, you learned that each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. You may also have learned that it was great fun to fill up your squirt guns with water, at least until the principal caught you. What you may not have learned, however, was how much water you needed in order to be a healthy human being.

Why You Need to Drink Water
Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs.

Signs of DehydrationYou lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as caffeine pills and alcohol result in the need to drink more water because they trick your body into thinking you have more water than we need.
Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles,lower back pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or amber color indicates that you may not be getting enough water. Note that riboflavin, a B Vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.

How Much Water do You Need to Drink?
A good estimate is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces of water per day that you need to drink. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day. If you exercise you should drink another eight ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink alcohol, you should drink at least an equal amount of water. When you are traveling on an airplane, it is good to drink eight ounces of water for every hour you are on board the plane. If you live in an arid climate, you should add another two servings per day. As you can see, your daily need for water can add up to quite a lot.
Twenty percent of your water need will come from the foods you eat. The rest of your water need should come from the beverages you drink. Water is the best choice. Sodas have a lot of sugar in them, so if you drink sodas, you may take in more calories than you need. Herbal teas that aren't diuretic are fine. Sports drinks contain electrolytes and may be beneficial, just look out for added sugar and calories that you don't need. Juices are good because they have vitamins and nutrients.

Caffeinated beverages will also add to your daily water need. Even though caffeine is a diuretic, if you regularly consume caffeine, your body will regulate itself to that diuretic effect.

Drink Enough WaterIt may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling, or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon or lime for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available, but watch for extra calories.

Water is a chemical substance with the chemical formula H2O. A water molecule contains one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms connected bycovalent bonds. Water is a liquid at ambient conditions, but it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice, and gaseous state (water vaporor steam). Water also exists in a liquid crystal state near hydrophilic surfaces. Under nomenclature used to name chemical compounds,Dihydrogen monoxide is the scientific name for water, though it is almost never used.
Water covers 70.9% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. On Earth, 96.5% of the planet's water is found in oceans, 1.7% in groundwater, 1.7% in glaciers and the ice caps of Antarctica and Greenland, a small fraction in other large water bodies, and 0.001% in the air as vaporclouds (formed of solid and liquid water particles suspended in air), and precipitation. Only 2.5% of the Earth's water is freshwater, and 98.8% of that water is in ice and groundwater. Less than 0.3% of all freshwater is in rivers, lakes, and the atmosphere, and an even smaller amount of the Earth's freshwater (0.003%) is contained within biological bodies and manufactured products.
Water on Earth moves continually through the hydrological cycle of evaporation and transpiration (evapotranspiration), condensation,precipitation, and runoff, usually reaching the sea. Evaporation and transpiration contribute to the precipitation over land.
Safe drinking water is essential to humans and other lifeforms. Access to safe drinking water has improved over the last decades in almost every part of the world, but approximately one billion people still lack access to safe water and over 2.5 billion lack access to adequate sanitation.There is a clear correlation between access to safe water and GDP per capita. However, some observers have estimated that by 2025 more than half of the world population will be facing water-based vulnerability. A recent report (November 2009) suggests that by 2030, in some developing regions of the world, water demand will exceed supply by 50%. Water plays an important role in the world economy, as it functions as a solvent for a wide variety of chemical substances and facilitates industrial cooling and transportation. Approximately 70% of the fresh waterused by humans goes to agriculture.